Believe it or not, the most asked question from some of our baffled readers is: “Is this for real?”
Hmm, let’s see, the subtitle to this award-winning online magazine is “Tasteless American Satire for the Ill-Informed.”
If that doesn’t tip you off, then I will admit it: The articles are 100% made-up, but the satire behind them is as real as Donald Trump’s confusion about shiites and sunnis.
Despite the disclaimer, occasionally (more often than you’d believe), someone actually believes some of this crap, for example the Tennessee woman who thought it was legal to print her own money, because she read it here.
The Skunk is an equal-opportunity offender. Okay, maybe we’re a little heavier handed with the Republicans, but nobody escapes the clutches of a motivated humorist.
If one of the articles makes you laugh like a silly school girl or angers you like Bill Clinton on a press junket, I take full credit or blame, as I single-handedly write everything you see in this site, much to the distress of my parents, who wanted me to be a tap-dancer (or was it lap-dancer?)
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All contents on The Skunk are copyright © 2008-2020, all rights reserved. We love to have incoming links to our site, but please do not copy and paste entire articles on your website or blog. (We don’t come to your office and take things that don’t belong to us — even the cheap, crappy stuff; we hope you’ll treat us the same.) Websites are permitted to include a headline and up to 100 words of any specific article (about a paragraph), provided there is an accompanying link to the full article on The Skunk.
For other usage and rights, contact us.
Finally, all the stuff on The Skunk is intended for adults only. If you are under 18 years of age, please click here.
Enjoy the Aroma,
Braddon Mendelson,
Stenchmeister, Editor-in-Chief, etc.