December 19, 2024

Romney Received Millions in Tax Refunds

Sources at the Treasury Department reveal Mitt Romney received millions of dollars from the IRS from 2001 through 2008.

Romney Gets Tax Refund From IRS

WASHINGTON (  – Mitt Romney received millions of dollars in tax refunds from 2001 through 2008, according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  The Nevada Senator said a contact at the Treasury Department revealed the Republican presidential nominee was paid over $167 million by the IRS over that eight-year period.

Reid, who has contended for weeks that Romney hadn’t paid any taxes, said even he was shocked to learn the millionaire investment banker actually got money back from the government. “Now we know why he won’t produce his tax returns,” noted Reid. “He would be subjected to stonings anywhere in the country.”

When he heard the allegations, Romney first laughed them off. When pressed for an answer, however, he said he doesn’t prepare his own tax returns, so he doesn’t know what’s in them. “If the guys at H & R Block figured out a way to get me a few dollars back,” he said, “there’s nothing wrong with that.”

The Romney campaign wouldn’t confirm or deny the allegations. “This whole issue of Mitt Romney’s taxes is a red herring,” stated a spokesperson. “The information in his returns is a private matter, between Mitt Romney, God, and the government of the Cayman Islands.”

“The Democrats can distract the American people all they want,” he added, “but Governor Romney has not taken anything from the people of America to which he didn’t believe he was entitled.”

Braddon Mendelson

21 thoughts on “Romney Received Millions in Tax Refunds

  1. Hmm.. If the article is accurate, Price Waterhouse did his taxes and it looks like he paid 3,226,623 on 20,901,075 which my math tells me is about 15.5% of his income. Seems low… I think at my measley income, I pay 22%… And, when you consider how much of his income is discretionary income, it seems unfair. Many in the middle class could use a break on taxes just to pay for food and housing.

  2. So why haven’t we seen anything from obama taxes or even college transcripts. Not to mention a real birth certificate.

  3. Reading the comments, it would appear that the The Skunk is reaching its intended audience “Tasteless American Satire for the the Ill-informed.” Also appears that the intended audience doesn’t “get” satire.

  4. “The information in his returns is a private matter, between Mitt Romney, God, and the government of the Cayman Islands.” Well that tells you where the money went.

  5. To someone who makes 50K, getting a few thousand back is great.
    To someone who made 50 mill, getting a few mill back is great.
    So what about a guy that blows TRILLIONS to payoff the banks and still has little effect on improving our economy???? You’re all arguing about trivial things in comparison. Don’t ya think???

  6. Ok, tell me how many people take pictures of their income tax return checks, huh? And don’t tell me that someone in the US Dept of Treasury took pictures of US citizens tax refund checks, I’m sure they would have some problems with a little thing called The Privacy Act. Of yeah that’s right, most liberals don’t abide by that one either! This is so FAKE and you mindless liberals believe it, lol! And you accuse conservatives of being brain washed, lol!!Let me see a copy of your tax refund checks ok?????

  7. So you wanna see what he did release? look here

    As far as Obama releasing his original birth certificate isnt that a dead issue?

    Democrats, Republicans, whatever your political persuasion, As American Citizens, we have the right to our own views, as human beings we have that right.
    However we do not have the right to steal from anyone.
    Romney and his running mate might as well be McCain and Palin.
    We the People are going to suffer not the Politicians. WHY? Because you all so blinded by your own opinions and following the crowd NONE of you have an original thought or opinion.
    Sheep following the wolf thats all you are!!!
    Obama didnt start the War in Iran/Irag. Obama didnt spend trillions of dollars for 8 long years sending aid to a country and War we never should have been involved in.
    BUSH Started it when he got into Office. A lot of selective memory going on around the country, a lot of finger pointing and trash talk.
    You want a better world? Stop relying on the Politicians and stand up and do something about it and for it!! Stop bitching and complaiing about who WE THE PEOPLE PUT IN OFFICE AND THE DAMAGE THAT IS ALREADY DONE. BE PART OF THE SOLUTION NOT THE PROBLEM.!!!

  8. First off, Romney inherited his Father’s entire estate,worth multi millions andt gave it ALL to charity
    Mr Romney is a multi billion in his own right.(you want that). Mr Romney offered to furnish his tax returns AND his certified Birth Certificate and Harry,the Liar, knows this. If you have followed any of th Senate and/or Senate/House proceedings, you’d know that there is very little truth in his mouth.Look for the truth before you endorse any statement from either candidate. I know that this will take some reading and studying.

  9. Barbara – you nailed it! Love it!

    Wayne – yup, it almost caught me before I realized the refund would actually have been larger, I bet! /snark

    To that other guy – the first comment – Uhm, if he ‘received millions…how much did he pay in?’ That is precisely the question that nobody knows the answer to – and reasons commentary like this is more easy to believe than Onion articles. And you should see the comments on some of the ones people really believed! Here, there seem to be more intelligent folk that understand the joke. It’s really all a big conspiracy to flush out folks like you, ‘kwkrnu’. You’re really not that quick, are you? 😉 No offense, though. I’ll admit it’s clever, for a custom license tag.

  10. What a load of bunk!! He hasnt done anything wrong? He made 20 million last year and gets millions back in returns? And I and others have to fight the federal government just to get a little bit back? Cheat, liar thief is more like it. Lets see those tax returns and see just how much money he stole from the government and the people!!!

  11. I just love how they say, “The Democrats can distract the American people all they want,” but of course, the republicans asking Obama to release his birth certificate had nothing to do with “distracting the American people.” Nope. Nothing to do it whatsoever. The two events are not alike in any way.

  12. couldnt have said it better myself, I am sure “kwkmu” is a low-information Fox-Bubble prisoner(the bubble prevents an critical thinking that no common sense can penetrate) that guy probably thinks Palin and Bachman are scholars

  13. “Lets see The Ass Hole and Chiefs travel and academic records.”

    How about Rep/Cons produce something first? Romney’s school records, tax returns, and let’s see his birth certificate while we’re at it. People who think it’s OK to call the President of the United States an asshole, and without benefit of sober grammar at that, aren’t deserving of an answer.

    And by the way, you can file a Freedom of Information Act request for the President’s previous schedules and itineraries, anything you can’t find by Googling them, that is. They make you fill out a form; maybe you can find someone to help you with that.

  14. This guy laughs all the way to the bank every single day of his life, and the joke is on Americans. And everyone commenting here are right … he believes he’s “entitled” but doesn’t believe Americans are. And he DOES believe it’s his RIGHT to take over the White House and ALL OUR MONEY AND DICTATE OUR LIVES.

  15. It is not whether this is true or not. It is how the Governor answers to questions like these that reveal his entitlement mentality. I am sure he takes his taxes to the H&R guy around the corner from his mansion!!! I am even mores ure that he thinks the White House is his house already !!!

  16. “but Governor Romney has not taken anything from the people of America to which he didn’t believe he was entitled.”

    Entitlements, eh?..

  17. Those are tax refunds not tax rebates there is a difference. If he received millions in refunds; how much did he pay in? Lets see The Ass Hole and Chiefs travel and academic records.

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