McCain Designs New Logo for Obama
In a growing sign of good sportsmanship between the candidates, John McCain presented Barack Obama with a new campaign logo. Designed by Sen. McCain, it depicts a stylized happy face created from circles and stripes deconstructed from the original logo.

In a growing sign of good sportsmanship between the candidates, John McCain presented Barack Obama with a new campaign logo. Designed by Sen. McCain, it depicts a stylized happy face created from circles and stripes deconstructed from the original logo.
“I was thinking of ways I could show Senator Obama that even though we are fierce competitors in the presidential race, I still hold him in the highest regard,” said McCain. “I once took some night courses in illustration, so I sketched out a few designs, finally arriving at the one you see here.”
Senator Obama expressed his gratitude to McCain. “We think it’s the perfect representation of our campaign,” said Senator Obama. “It’s a blissful, colored face, with big rounds eyes, that seems to be saying, ‘How can I serve you?’”
The design will be seen on all bumper stickers, buttons, posters and other campaign materials. “Our campaign will begin using the new artwork immediately,” said Obama, “with high hopes that it will unite the country behind an optimistic, cheerful candidacy.”
Senator Obama said he wanted to return the favor and do something nice for his colleague, so he called his pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and asked if he would consider endorsing Senator McCain.