Did O.J. Get Sentenced Appropriately?
“Yes. I thought the judge’s tonal quality and demeanor were very appropriate. I find courts prone toward histrionics and self-promotion very offensive.”
— Cindy Pushing,
Nude Model,
Arleta, CA
“Yes. I thought the judge’s tonal quality and demeanor were very appropriate. I find courts prone toward histrionics and self-promotion very offensive.”
— Cindy Pushing,
Nude Model,
Arleta, CA
DETROIT — The chief executives from Ford, GM and Chrysler, fresh from groveling to Congress to bail their respective firms out from under their mismanagement and poor judgment, have issued a statement today outlining plans for their joint suicide. Should any of the Big Three automakers be unable to repay the billions of dollars they are requesting from the federal government, all three CEOs have vowed to kill themselves.
DETROIT — On the heels of Ford CEO Alan Mulally’s promise to work for $1…
The Al Qaeda organization has filed papers in a Manhattan court, alleging that the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba has infringed upon their intellectual property rights by creating an Al Qaeda-like attack in Mumbai, India, without authorization.
LARAMIE, KY – Agnes Harper, the oldest woman in the world, died mysteriously in her sleep Thursday night at her nursing home. She was 115.
Forensic medical experts and homicide investigators are at a loss to explain her passing. “We haven’t ruled anything out,” said Chief Clyde Barnsdell of the Laramie Police Department. “Anytime a hundred-and-fifteen-year-old woman stops breathing for no apparent reason, it’s always suspicious.”
CHICAGO — As one of his first orders as President of the United States, Barack Obama pledged to rename “Black Friday” – the first day after Thanksgiving in which most retailers begin making a profit – as “Multiracial Friday.”
The Republican National Committee’s Scientific Advisory Board today issued a report negating claims of an “invisible force that pulls things toward the center of the Earth.”
RURAL FALLS, TN — A group of Atheists converged upon a vacant lot belonging to a…
WASHINGTON, DC — The Republican National Committee announced today it was in preliminary talks with the American Nazi Party to merge into a single cohesive entity, to be known simply as “Extreme Nazis.”
WASHINGTON, DC — Two horse and buggy manufacturing executives made a trip to Capitol Hill on Friday, seeking government assistance for their flailing industry.